Advanced REIT Portfolio Optimization
Yuan Hu received her Ph.D. from Texas Tech University (USA) in 2022. Her current research considers approaches to discrete option pricing; risk management and option valuation of crypto assets; and portfolio optimization constrained by performance attribution. She is currently the Stefan E. Warschawski Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of California San Diego (USA).
Dr. Abootaleb Shirvani received his Ph.D. from Texas Tech University (USA) in 2021. His general research interests include financial mathematics, statistics, and actuarial mathematics. He is currently an assistant professor in Statistics and Actuarial Science in the Department of Mathematics at Kean University (USA).
Prof. Svetlozar (Zari) Rachev is a Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University (USA) and one of the world’s foremost authorities in the application of heavy-tailed distributions in finance. He was a co-founder and President of Bravo Risk Management Group, originator of the Cognity methodology. Bravo was acquired by FinAnalytica, where Zari served as Chief Scientist.