Corporate Governance in the United Kingdom
William Forbes has previously worked at the Universities of Exeter, Bangor, Manchester and Glasgow. His recent research has focused on market-based accounting and valuation and addresses statistical/econometric issues in valuing firms and policy issues raised by the new economy. He has recent publications in Financial Management, European Financial Management and the Journal of Empirical Finance.
Lynn Hodgkinson is currently Treasurer/Secretary for the Conference of Professors of Accounting and Finance (CPAF), and Director of the Centre for Impression Management in Accounting Communication (CIMAC) at Bangor Business School. She has recent publications in the Journal of Banking and Finance, European Financial Management and the British Accounting Review. Her research interests include mergers, dividend policy and the impact of taxation on corporate finance decisions. She has received grants from The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).