EU Legal Framework for Safeguarding Air Passenger Rights
Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2015
Springer, Springer International Publishing
Land des Verlags:
Lieferung in 5-10 Werktagen
Versandkostenfreie Lieferung innerhalb Österreichs bis 31. Jänner 2025
This book presents a thorough analysis of the EU provisions and legal framework of passenger rights in the civil aviation field. It provides both a theoretical and practical view of the initiatives that have been taken in this field. This includes initiatives taken by the European Commission (EC) with the aim to improve the protection of passengers and by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) with regard to jurisprudence. The book points out the goals that have been obtained so far, as well as the goals that still need to be pursued. Particular attention is paid to EU institutions that have been created ad hoc to supervise aviation safety and harmonize the various safety procedures of the EU Member States. Recent and upcoming packages of important safety and security measures are examined in detail. The book gives examples of current applications of legislative instruments and presents readers with the tools to gain a deeper understanding of the legal, practical and theoretical aspects of this important topic in aviation.
Aviation security
EU transport law
The SAFA programme
Air passenger rights
Air passenger's rights
Impact of code sharing
Role of aviation safety
Airline companies blacklist
Convention of Montreal of 1999
Convention of Varsavia of 1929
Adoption of directive 2004/36/EC
Alliances among airline companies
Primary rights of the air passenger
Unlawful acts against civil aviation
Privacy right and the transparency right
Air carrier insurance in case of accident
Air carrier liability in case of accident
Passenger’s right with reduced mobility.
EU discipline of PNR - passenger name record
Evolution of passenger rights protection in EU
Right to know the actual identity of the air carrier