Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives
EBES conferences have been an intellectual hub for academic discussion in economics, finance, and business fields and provide network opportunities for participants to make long-lasting academic cooperation. This proceedings volume of the Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics (EBES’s official proceeding series) includes selected papers from the 46th EBES Conference which took place in Rome on January 10-12, 2024. The conference was hosted by the faculty of economics of La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). In the conference, 170 papers by 365 colleagues from 48 countries were presented. The conference was held both in hybrid with both in-person and online paper presentation format.
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin is a Professor at Istanbul Medeniyet University (Türkiye) and served as a part-time professor at Yeditepe University between 2011 and 2014. Professor Bilgin has numerous articles published in reputable international journals indexed by scientific databases, as well as research papers presented at international conferences, and academic books. He has several editorial positions in leading journals of the field. He is the founder of the Istanbul Economic Research Association and currently serves as its Chairman. Additionally, he founded an international scholarly association called EBES (Eurasia Business and Economics Society) and currently serves as its Vice President. Professor Bilgin has also been active as a consultant in several institutions, a newspaper columnist, and has appeared in several television programs.
Dr. Hakan Danış works at CitiBank in San Francisco (USA). Prior to this position, he was Director in Economic Scenarios and OpRisk Modeling at US Bank and MUFG (USA), and worked as a Senior Economist at the Spanish multinational global bank Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) in the USA. He is one of the founders and the first President of EBES. Additionally, he worked as a research assistant at Kadir Has University (Türkiye). Dr. Danis has published articles in many leading economics and finance journals and currently serves as the Managing Editor of the Eurasian Economic Review, a Springer Journal indexed in SCOPUS. He has been a guest editor at Emerging Markets Finance & Trade (EMFT) (SSCI) and Singapore Economic Review (SER) (SSCI) multiple times, and has published several academic books. His current research and teaching interests include monetary policy, nonlinear applied time series, risk management in financial institutions, and macroeconomics.
Ender Demir is a Full Professor of Finance at the Department of Business and Economics, School of Social Sciences at Reykjavik University (Iceland). He has been teaching at Istanbul Medeniyet University, Yeditepe University (part-time), and Istanbul Bilgi University (part-time) in Türkiye. Dr. Demir is the conference coordinator of the Eurasia Business and Economic Society (EBES). He serves as an associate editor at Eurasian Business Review (SSCI) and as a subject editor at the Journal of Multinational Financial Management (SSCI). He has published his research in peer-reviewed international journals, including the Journal of Financial Stability, Emerging Markets Review, Finance Research Letters, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, and Tourism Management. His research interests include corporate finance, cryptocurrencies, financial economics, and tourism economics.
Giovanni Di Bartolomeo is the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and a Chair Professor at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). He serves as a Member of the Experts Council of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, a Senior Fellow at the Luiss Institute for European Analysis and Policy, and a Guest Professor of Monetary Economics at the University of Antwerp. He co-founded the Centre for Investigation and Modelling of Experimental Observations (CIMEO). He has also served as an Independent Expert for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament, Head of the Department of Economics and Law, and Director of the CUIA International Network on Renewable Energies. He completed his studies at Sapienza, Tor Vergata, and Pompeu Fabra University. His professional experience includes positions at the University of Antwerp, the University of Teramo, and the University of Crete. He actively engages in economic policy and specializes in international, macroeconomic, and experimental economics.