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Investment Migration Programs 2023

The Definitive Comparison of the Leading Residence and Citizenship Programs
Land des Verlags:
118,30EUR (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)
Lieferung in 3-4 Werktagen Versandkostenfreie Lieferung innerhalb Österreichs bis 31. Jänner 2025
Investment Migration Programs 2023 is a comprehensive, systematic analysis and benchmarking of the world's most important residence and citizenship by investment programs. The publication features two indexes - the Global Residence Program Index and the Global Citizenship Program Index. Updated annually by leading academic researchers, country risk specialists, economists, independent expert immigration and citizenship lawyers, and other specialists, the Global Residence Program Index and Global Citizenship Program Index reflect the relative worth of reputable residence and citizenship programs around the world, respectively. The indexes are complemented by insightful essays on engaging topics and investment migration trends, such as private wealth migration, how investment migration enhances location optionality in a volatile world, and the global movement of billionaires. There are also expert essays on sovereign equity and the pro-growth benefits of economic migration, and citizenship as club membership, looking at why states should behave as clubs, as well as commentaries on facilitated naturalization, the rise of instrumental citizenship, and compensatory citizenship. Investment Migration Programs 2023 is an indispensable resource for all those interested in keeping up to date with developments in the field or considering residence or citizenship by investment as an option for accessing new opportunities, be they private clients and their advisors, immigration professionals, or policy makers wishing to manage investment migration programs in order to achieve fiscal autonomy and economic growth.