Knowledge Share: the (R)evolution of Technology Transfer
The book is the outcome of a thoughtful reflection on Knowledge Share (KS), encompassing the distribution, connection and co-production of knowledge, through a circular, multi-sourced and multidirectional process. The book aims to generate in-depth knowledge and better awareness of the phenomenon, as well as new ideas and concrete actions to favour KS. It offers a comprehensive view of the factors influencing KS, including environmental, organizational, individual factors and their interrelations.
The book is structured so to stimulate a reflection on theories and models of KS and to provide some evidence with a specific emphasis on the Italian context. This book talks to people interested in creating the conditions in which effective knowledge share (KS) can happen. It intends to reach out to different communities, raise awareness around KS and hopefully trigger a conversation that will result in a better understanding of KS dynamics now and in the future.
Giuseppe Conti is General Director of IUSS, Institute of advanced university studies in Pavia. He is President of NETVAL (Italian Association for research exploitation). He has worked as head of third mission and industrial relationships at the University of Bologna and previously as head of Technology Transfer Office at the Polytechnic of Milan. He has served as evaluator at ANVUR, board member of incubators and university foundation.
Rosa Grimaldi is full Professor of entrepreneurship and innovation management at the University of Bologna, where she has served as Delegate for Entrepreneurship. She has been expert evaluator for ANVUR. She is serving as scientific director of the national Master program on Intellectual Property Valorisation promoted by NETVAL. She is deputy major in the city of Bologna for Innovation and Economic Development. Most of her scientific production is about Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer.