Legal Linguistics Beyond Borders: Language and Law in a World of Media, Globalisation and Social Conflicts.
Duncker & Humblot
Land des Verlags:
Sprache und Medialität des Rechts - Language and Media of Law
Lieferung in 3-4 Werktagen
Versandkostenfreie Lieferung innerhalb Österreichs bis 31. Jänner 2025
The world of law has changed in the last decades: it has become more globalized, multilingual and digital. The sections and contributions of this volume continue the interdisciplinary discussion about the challenges of this change for theory and practice of law and for the International Language and Law Association (ILLA) relaunched in 2017. First, the book gives a broad overview to the research field of legal linguistics, its history, research directions and open questions in different parts of the world (United States, Africa, Italy, Spain, Germany, Nordic countries and Russia). The second section consists of contributions about the relation of language, law and justice in a globalized world with a focus on multilingual and supranational law in the EU. The third section focuses on digitalization and mediatization of the law, the last section reports about the discussion at the ILLA relaunch conference in 2017.
Biografische Anmerkung
Friedemann Vogel is full professor of Computer Assisted Socio- and Discourse Linguistics at the University of Siegen (Germany), coordinator
of the »Heidelberg Group of Legal Linguistics« (established in 1984) and president of the »International Language and Law Association« (ILLA;
together with Frances Olsen, UCLA, 2017–2019). Prior to his current position, he received a Magister Artium in German Studies, Psychology and Philosophy and a PhD in Legal Linguistics in 2011 at the University of Heidelberg, and he held a »junior professorship« at the University of Freiburg (2012–2018).
In 2012, Vogel initiated a project to establish the worldwide biggest text collection of German legal texts (»Juristisches Referenzkorpus«,
JuReko) and established the »International Research Group Computer Assisted Legal Linguistics« together with the lawyer Hanjo Hamann
( Vogel’s research focuses on language and law, media discourse and image analysis, political and computer mediated
communication studies and the development of new computer assisted approaches of pragmatics and semantics to analyze language use patterns on basis of huge text collections. More information at: