Power, Politics and Influence
This book comprehensively explores the foundational principles of power, influence, and organizational politics, presenting actionable approaches for both employees and management to skillfully navigate these intricacies without succumbing to undue incivility, stress, or burnout. Power, as an imperceptible yet influential entity within organizations, steers the trajectory of decisions, behaviors, and the dynamic interplay between leaders and their teams.
This book examines leadership theory and practice, offering a unique perspective on leadership styles, behaviors, and traits. In today's dynamic landscape, leadership capability and skill are important across sectors, influencing organizational health, political landscapes, and societal development. The book presents the challenges modern leaders face and how leadership theory can enrich workplace dynamics and beyond.
Bridging the gap between academic research and practice, this volume offers guidance for aspiring and experienced leaders alike. From political skill to organizational culture, this book examines leadership from a multidisciplinary perspective. Scholars, students, and researchers of political science, business, management, economics, international relations, and psychology, as well as consultants, policymakers, and leaders interested in a better understanding of effective leadership concepts and the latest research in politics, policy, and participation in any setting, will find this resource invaluable.
Adebowale "Ad" Akande is one of the world's best-known scholars of Cross-Cultural Research. Author of best-selling books. Co-recipient -2005 SIOP’s M. Scott Myers Award; 2007 and 2009 Ursula Gielen Global Award, the GW. Allport Prize (2005), He is also known as a popularizer of global politics, psychology, and business research. He currently serves as an international director for IR GLOBE in Vancouver and a guest professor to several Canadian and American Universities.