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Shaping Tomorrow

Gender Perspectives in a Sustainable World
Springer, Springer International Publishing
Land des Verlags:
SIDREA Series in Accounting and Business Administration
186,99EUR (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)
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This edited book aims to analyze gender perspectives within the context of sustainable development, providing a comprehensive overview of the phenomena that characterize both public and private organizations. Sustainability assumes a central role in addressing gender issues. Achieving sustainability is crucial for the overall well-being of society. It drives economic growth by promoting the creation of highly skilled jobs, addressing environmental issues, strengthening business success, and encouraging debate on social challenges such as gender equality.  In the field of gender equality, sustainability emerges as a competitive advantage, particularly for women who contribute new and fresh perspectives as well as valuable expertise capable of effectively guiding companies toward more sustainable practices. Supported by knowledge and open innovation, women can raise awareness among companies about more sustainable practices.

The book is structured in three sections: Non-financial disclosure for sustainable growth in the field of gender equality, gender diversity in public and private organizations and gender issues within the entrepreneurial context.

Biografische Anmerkung

Paola Paoloni is Full Professor in Business Administration and Head of Department of Law and Economics of Productive Activities of the Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). She teaches Business Administration and Strategy for Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Her research topics include general management, gender issues, intellectual capital, knowledge management, female entrepreneurship. She is member of AIDEA (Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale) and SIDREA (Società Italiana dei Docenti di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale). She is Scientific Director of “Ipazia” - Scientific Observatory on Gender Research (www.ipaziaobservatory.com)