The Going-Concern-Principle in Non-Financial Disclosure
Rosa Lombardi is an Associate Professor in Accounting at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). She received her Ph.D. from the University of Cassino & Southern Lazio (Italy). She serves as Editor-in-Chief (Int.J. Digital Culture & Electronic Tourism), Associate/Guest Editor, Editorial Board Member, and Reviewer of several international high-quality peer-reviewed academic journals. She is Academic Coordinator for the Erasmus Programme & CIVIS Alliance at the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). Her research interests & scientific publications mainly cover financial & non-financial accounting, sustainability accounting, corporate disclosure, ethics & corruption prevention models, entrepreneurial universities, corporate governance, management accounting, auditing, corporate social responsibility, intellectual capital, corporate valuation, decision-making process, smart technologies. She is the SIDREA Research Group’s Coordinator on “Smart Technologies, Digitalization & Intellectual Capital”. She is the winner of several awards (e.g. EMERALD/EMRBI Award for Emerging Researchers; Best Paper Award SOItmC&RTU).