Vulnerability and the Corporate Immune System
Alessandro Capocchi is a Full Professor of Business Economics at the University of Milano Bicocca (Milan). He currently lectures Business Economics in the first year of the bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration; and Risk Management in the master’s degree in Business- Economics Science. He is currently a member of the technical unit for evaluating project proposals presented in the context of the European Social Fund 2014-2020 operational program and the European social fund plus 2021-2027 program. Autonomous Province of Trento – Italy.
He is a Co-Founder and Chairman of MIndLab SRL – A spinoff of the University of Milano Bicocca. With Mr. Giuseppe Caprotti in 2016, he created the Observatory on new entrepreneurship. He is a member of AIDEA (Italian Association of Business Economics), SISR (Italian Society of Accounting History), and SIDREA (Italian Society of Accounting and Business Economics). In the US, he is a member of ANAHEI Associationof North America Higher Education International.