Annual Report on the Development of China’s Special Economic Zones (2021)
This annual report presents an overview of the development of China’s special economic zones in 2021, including reform pilot zones and some new special zones, from the perspective of the overall national development strategic planning. It takes the development status, comparative analysis and policy suggestions of the special zones as the starting point, summarizes and analyzes the transformation problems, carbon production and sustainable development problems, scientific and technological innovation problems, social
security problems, employment service problems, financial system reform problems, cultural industry problems, and puts forward suggestions for development.
Yitao Tao, director of China Center for Special Economic
Zone Research. She has been engaged in the research of Chinese
and Western economic thoughts and theories for a long time, covering economic
history, history of economic thoughts, institutional economics, etc. In the
past 20 years, she has devoted herself to the comparative study of the history
of China’s reform and opening up, the
history of China’s special economic zones.
Yiming Yuan China Center for Special Economic Zone Research, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China