Cleaner-Energy Investments
Srinivasan Sunderasan is an Economist at Verdurous Solutions Private Limited (Mysore, India), which is an Investment advisory and consultancy specializing in management and financing aspects of renewable energy, microfinance, water, waste and other ‘sustainable development’ initiatives. Prior to this, he was the Deputy Country Manager (India) of Photovoltaic Market Transformation Initiative (PVMTI), an Investment Officer with the South Asian Region for Solar Development Group (SDG) and Triodos Renewable Energy for Development Fund. He has obtained his PhD from University of Vienna, Austria in 2005 specializing in Business Economics.
He has twenty years of rich and diversified experience as a techno-commercial professional, in planning, project management, research, academics and consultancy in various industries including construction, telecom, energy, financial services and ‘sustainable development.’ He is recognised as an expert on rural energy supply models by the International Solar Energy Society and a specialist in evaluation and financing for renewable energy and other cleantech ventures. He has authored, and contributed to, many books on related subjects published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Nova Publishers and Springer Verlag. He is an editorial board member of J. Reviews on Global Economics and expert peer-reviewer with prestigious publishers including Elsevier B.V. and Springer Verlag. He is guest faculty of Finance/Economics at reputed business schools.