Co-Evolution of Symbolic Species in the Financial Market
This book offers a systemic understanding of the evolutionary model of financial markets and their place with broader political economic systems. Through examining the co-evolutionary process, where the interplay between financial markets and society is highlighted, insight is provided into the concepts of growth, development, preference, information, and price. After outlining these core concepts, they are applied to co-evolution within financial markets to illustrate the mechanics that underpin economic systems. Binomial and trinomial co-evolution is then discussed in relation to financial market variables, preference and price in terms of symbolic utility, and logical economic modelling structures.
This book presents a new research methodology based on a logical to approach economics that looks beyond historical and empirical economic frameworks. It will be relevant to students, researchers, and policymakers interested in financial economics.
Emil Dinga is an Economist at the Romanian Academy.
Camelia Oprean-Stan is an Economist at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.
Cristina Roxana Tănăsescu is an Economist at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.
Vasile Brătian is an Economist at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.
Gabriela-Mariana Ionescu is an Economist at the Romanian Academy.