Exploring the Boundaries of Law
This book presents a pluri-dimensional approach to today's most relevant perspectives on the boundaries of Law, both in terms of its creation and performance, in order to discuss its current meaning and role as a normative order. To do so, it presents a broad range of standpoints concerning philosophical, theoretical, juridical-political, dogmatic and methodological issues, and proposes new bases for the construction and effectiveness of legal statements and decisions, from those issued by juridical-political organisations to those taken by judges. In addition, it sheds new light on discussions concerning the juridical and political role of Law in connection with public policy and democracy-related issues, especially contemporary debates between International Law and Human Rights Law, on the one hand, and between Public Law and Private Law, on the other.
Ana Margarida Simões Gaudêncio (PhD in Law – Philosophy of Law) is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), integrated researcher and member of the Coordinating Board of UCILeR (University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research), and a founding member of the Portuguese Association for Theory and Philosophy of Law and for Social Philosophy (the Portuguese section of the International Association for Legal and Social Philosophy, or IVR). Her main research and teaching areas are Philosophy of Law, Theory of Law, and Methodology of Law, mostly on Critical Legal Studies, Tolerance and Law, Multiculturalism and Law, and Human Rights Law.