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Introduction to Austrian Labour Law

Everything you need to know about collective and individual labour law in Austria
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29,00EUR (inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand)
Lieferung in ca. 2 Werktagen Versandkostenfreie Lieferung innerhalb Österreichs bis 31. Jänner 2025

This book offers a compact and practical insight into the main features of Austrian labour law. It covers both collective and individual labour law, spanning issues from worker representation and collective bargaining, to employer and employee duties, equal treatment, working time, and dismissal protections. The peculiarities of the Austrian system are emphasised throughout.

It provides an easy-to-read, accessible introduction to the key concepts and structures of Austrian labour law. Written in English, it is ideal for both international legal and HR professionals and international students studying law or business studies as an essential first point of reference.

As a special feature, the book also contains a comprehensive glossary of key labour law terms in both German and English languages. This makes it the perfect practical companion for all those engaging with Austrian labour law in an international context.

Biografische Anmerkung

Autorenbeschreibungen auf Englisch für den Klappentext:

ao. Prof. Dr. Martin Gruber-Risak teaches and researches at the Department for Labour and Social Security Law of the University of Vienna; career stages in the legal profession and abroad (University of Passau/Germany, University of Otago/New Zealand); lecturing and consulting activities as well as more than 200 international publications in the field of Austrian and European labour and European labour and social law (in particular "Arbeitsrecht in Grundzüge" and "Das Arbeitsrecht – System und Praxiskommentar").

Joanna Helme is a lecturer at the University of Oxford and researches in Employment Law. She studied at the Universities of Cambridge, Vienna and Nottingham and was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Buenos Aires. She previously worked at the International Labour Organisation and at an Employment Law firm in London.

Mag. Sascha Obrecht is a university assistant at the Department for Labour and Social Security Law of the University of Vienna. As former staff member of the Minister of Social Affairs he was responsible for labour law and occupational health and safety. He also worked as an associate, has published papers in the field of labour and social security law and is a regular lecturer.