After Brexit: Future Trade Relations Between the UK and the European Union
CHB, HPU, Nomos
Land des Verlags:
The result of Brexit referendum has revealed certain difficult truths about Britain: England is an unhappy country. The vote shows that the English are politically riven in terms of class, educational level, age, and (non-)metropolitan status.
The referendum has revealed radically different visions about the European future and place in the world between Scotland (and Northern Ireland) on the one hand, and England and Wales (excluding London) on the other. But the Brexit referendum has given no mandate or guidance as to what the English future relationship might be with Europe.
The aim of this book is help bring some clarity to this issue. It seeks to inform both policy makers tasked with negotiating some new deal between Britain, Europe and the rest of the world; and the lawyers who will be called upon to advise on and implement this new deal; and the public at large who will have to live with this new deal.
The book has an obvious and immediate relevance in the period pending the triggering of Article 50 TEU and in the 2 year period (unless extended) within which the UK and the EU will negotiate the former’s exit strategy.